Saturday, March 24, 2018

AVID Instructional Video

Welcome back AVID students

This is an educational video on how to correctly complete a Tutorial Request Form also known as a TRF. Below I will review with you the important steps in a Tutorial Request form (TRF) as they are required throughout the AVID course.  As an AVID student you are expected to turn in all assignments in on time, follow all rules, be on your best behavior, ask for help or help others in need.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Interactive Digital Flash Cards

Why create boring outdated index cards as flashcards? When you can recreate them into digital flashcards. Flashcards are a great study tool.  Digital flashcards are quicker to create and are accessible from any mobile device.  You can create digital flashcards using google slides or Quizlet.

Google Slides Flashcards:

Quizlet Flashcards:

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Educational Video



Saturday, March 3, 2018

Passionate Speech

Lesson Overview:

Have you ever wonder what your passionate about? You will find many people have the same passions.  In this lesson students will be asked to explore what they are passionate about. They will create a passionate speech and a visual presentation.

AVID Standards: 

  • 8-COMM.A1: Understand and use terminology associated with public speaking.
  • 8-COMM.A5:. Prepare and use visual aids that support the topic of the speech or presentation.
  • 8-COMM.A6: Draft, edit, revise, and present a speech to inform.
  • 8-COMM.B2: Pose questions that elicit elaboration.
  • 8-WRI.A3: Use feedback from readers to revise drafts.
  • 8-WRI.A5: Utilize rubrics to self-evaluate and peer evaluate work.
  • 8-WRI.D4: Write detailed self-reflections on experiences, presentations, speeches and field trips.

Essential Questions: 

  • How can I better understand public speaking and use the correct terminology?
  • What are the key elements for speech preparation?
  • What type of visual aids will be beneficial for my speech?
  • What is the importance of editing my speech?
  • How can I improve my speech presentation?

Student Objectives:

  • I can better understanding public speaking by researching and building background.
  • I can create a visual aid to correspond to my passionate speech.
  • I can draft, edit, revise and present my speech.
  • I can revise and present my speech.
  • I can self reflection my passionate speech.

Lesson Introduction:

This lesson provides students will the ability to show their creativity, use critical thinking, collaboration with classmates, and to improve their communication. Students can research what they are passionate about to provide a deeper meaning.  Students will create a project where they have the opportunity to deliver a speech and create a presentation. Students will explore the correct terminology and key elements of speech preparation. Students will work with others to edit and revise their work to create their final product.


  • Building Background
    • Student will respond to a quick write
    • Student will review Martin Luther King Jr's Speech and respond to questions.
  • Preparing your speech: Think about what you are passionate about?
    • Begin writing your first draft on google docs
  • Create Visual Aid 
    • Students will need to create a visual aid to enhance their speeches these can include:
      • Google slide presentation
      • Poster
      • Digital storybook
      • Props
  • Peer edit speech
    • Students will work in pairs to peer-edit.
  • Final draft 
    • Student will type final draft on google docs.
  • Review grading rubric
    • Teacher will review grading rubric with students prior to presentations.
  • Presentations
    • Students will have five minutes at the beginning of class to practice their speeches.
    • Students will be selected at random to present.
  • Student engagement
    • Students will type one thing the presenter did a good job at and one thing the presenter needs to improve on.
    • Students will send an email with the students feedback to the presenter.

Build background: 

Quick write: 
  • Log into your google account and access the AVID google classroom.
  • Answer the follow questions listed under the "quick write assignment".
    • "Think of a time when you heard a really bad speech."
    • "How could it have been improved?"
  • Write a one paragraph response discussing the bad speech you heard and make suggestions on how it could be improved.
  • Submit once you are completed.
Example Speech:
  • Take a look at Martin Luther King Jr's speech below
  • After viewing the speech answer the following questions in google classroom:
    • What was the purpose of Martin Luther King Jr's Speech?
    • How did he impact the world?

Closure/ Self-Reflecting:

To end the lesson students will be asked to review the following link below and response to the questions. It is very important student's are able to take time to self reflect.

Reflecting on public speaking activity


Passionate Presentation Grading Rubric

Points Possible
Points Earned
Quality of written speech
Is the written speech about 200-650 words, with complete sentences, and has structure throughout the speech?

Public Speaking
Is the presenter speaking clearly, making eye contact, and is the audience is engaged?

Does the presenter include a visual for their audience? PowerPoint (audio/video not to exceed one to two minutes), poster, or props

Does it appear the presenter was fully prepared?

Content knowledge
Does the presenter have knowledge about the subject? Are they are to discuss the subject without reading from their paper.

Is the presentations three to five minutes in length?

Was the written speech submitted via Google Classroom?
Total Points


Helpful Links

What's NEW? 

Stay updated and visit the AVID website

AVID Strategies: 

Tutorials (twice a week) : 

Tutorial request form
  • During the tutorial:
  • After the tutorial: 
    • Reflection - Reflect by completing the questions on the back of the TRF.
Explore the colleges: 

Friday, February 9, 2018

Class Overview

What is AVID?

Advancement Via Individual Determination, is an elementary through post-secondary college readiness system that is designed to increase school wide learning and performance.  The AVID program helps teach skills to assist in academic success. Students are also provided with support in tutorials.  Avid gives students the ability to create positive peer groups.

AVID's Impact

Classes Offered: 
  • 7th Grade AVID 
  •  8th grade AVID
  • Follow directions the first time they are given.
  • Respect the teacher, the classroom, other students, and yourself.
  • Be on time, on task, and prepared to learn everyday.
  • Use electronics for educational purposes only.
  • Do not talk when the teacher is talking.
  • Do not chew gum in class.
  • Do not eat or drink in class.
Important Links:

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Meet the Teacher

About Miss Gonzalez

  • CSU Fresno 
    • Bachelors in Criminology 
    • Victim Service Certificate
  • National University 
    •  Masters of Public Administration with a Specialization in Organizational Leadership 
    • Masters of Education Specialization in Educational Technology (In progress) 

Number of years teachingFirst year

  • Traveling
  •  Photography
  •  Cooking
  •  Swimming
Pets: One male husky